Truth Versus Culture

Rates and Details:

Guest Speakers: Pastor Dax and Angelene Garlinghouse

Suggested Donation: 2 nights, 6 meals - $160/adult, $80/7-12, $40/4-6, 3 and under are free.

Deposit: $300/family, $100/couple, $50/single.

Make deposit now

  • When: April 11th - 13th , 2025

  • Retreat Starts: Friday with dinner at 5:30pm

  • Retreat Ends: After lunch on Sunday, Checkout by 2pm

  • Check in: Friday from 4:00-5:30pm at the Main Lodge

  • Geared towards those 7 years and older (but younger children are welcome). There will be child care for those 6 and under during the sessions.

We are delighted to announce our first parent and child retreat focusing on standing on God’s Word and truths about gender identity, regardless of the culture that we live in. Pastor Dax and Angelene Garlinghouse have a passion and heart to see children raised and nurtured in the Word of God. We have such a need for this as our culture is coming against God’s truth more and more. This retreat is geared for ages seven and older. There will be child care for those six years of age and younger during the sessions. We are really excited about this retreat and firmly believe it is needed in this day and age. We hope you can join us!

Dax and Angelene Garlinghouse have been married since 1996. They have six children, four are adults. Dax is a pastor and Angelene leads kids’ ministries and teaches 4th grade. Their heart is to teach parents and children how to live the life that God created them for!

A note from Dax and Angelene, “Parents, Our children are under attack by a culture that is confused and hurting. Join us for a parent/child weekend where we will confront lies about identity in a gentle yet truthful way. We will look at God’s Word as our guide. We will include Science and testimonies. This weekend will focus on building relationships between parents and children as they connect to God. We will learn who we are in Christ and why it matters.”

Angelene has written books on identity for both girls and boys. Click on the titles to check them out; Martin the Manatee and Sophy the Songbird.

Register Now!

If money is an issue and is what would keep you from coming please reach out to our Registrar to inquire about the possibility of a sponsorship. Click here to contact our Registrar.