What to Bring
What to Bring -
Here's a useful list of items that will be helpful while you are here on retreat:
Bedding (all beds do have a clean fitted sheet on them)
Personal Toiletry Items (Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste/toothbrush, contacts and solution, razor, nail clippers, feminine hygiene, blow dryer, curl iron- we do have toothbrush/toothpaste kits, deodorant, contact solution and pain meds available in the Lamppost for purchase, if you should forget)
Shower shoes (for walking to shower house if staying in Hilltop or Cabins)
Comfortable shoes
Sweatshirt/jacket (it does get chilly at night, even in summer)
Umbrella (depending on season)
Bible & Notebook/Pen
Water Bottle
Camera (or phone)
Snacks (we do allow guests to bring their own snacks, especially if you have special dietary needs that we do not accommodate)
Dirty Laundry Bag
Cell phone/Charger (we do not have cell service at CRC, but if you are using your cell phone as an alarm clock or camera, make sure to put it in airplane mode, otherwise it will constantly search for a signal and drain your battery)
Sunscreen (depending on season)
Prescription medication and/or Epi Pen
Small First Aid Kit (CRC does have first aid kits available, but bringing pain relievers and bandaids for yourself, so that you can have them handy is always helpful. CRC will not give medications to children).